In the early 1990s there were no suitable products on the market that could satisfactorily solve the problem of scratched surfaces. The idea for polyWatch, as is so often the case with young companies - nowadays one would say start-ups - arose from a need which the two bosses Markus Vogtmann and Ulrich Kopp, then still students, had themselves: One of their Swatch watches, a collector's item, had been scratched on the watch glass. They developed the idea for the repair paste polyWatch together with a chemist and successfully launched it on the market.
From then on polyWatch became a very successful product and is sold all over the world. One of the things that makes the product so special is that it is so easy to use. Even laypersons can carry out repairs quickly and easily using the do-it-yourself process.
polyWatch has been a brand of Stark Innovation GmbH since the beginning of 2019. Stark Innovation GmbH belongs to the KOVO Holding group of companies led by Markus Vogtmann and Ulrich Kopp